Working from home is becoming increasingly common as an alternative to working in a company office. Even though the remote working model has become even more important, not least due to the global coronavirus pandemic, many employees were already regularly taking advantage of the benefits of working from home. In particular, the ability to focus on tasks without the distracting background noise of the office is an argument in favor of working from home for many. In addition, the time saved by not having to travel to and from the office to work from home also speaks in favor of the home office as a working model.

Some companies—pioneers here are also companies from the IT sector—are switching their business operations entirely to the home office based on positive experiences. Going to the office could be the exception in the future.

However, not every employee is optimally set up for working from home. This guide helps employees and companies to make the home office a productive working environment.

Equip your home office professionally

As is so often the case, if you want to work professionally, you need professional office equipment. We explain below which basics are included.


Before choosing the right work equipment, the workplace must be equipped with suitable office furniture. Employees working from home often do not have their own workstation or one that is suitably furnished. When choosing office furniture, however, the focus should be on comfort and ergonomics. Above all, a professional and ergonomic office chair and a desk at a suitable height are essential. However, the right lighting is also an important element in order to be able to work productively.

Note: The same occupational health and safety regulations apply to working from home as to working on the company's premises. Therefore, the employer must also ensure that the necessary measures are taken to protect the health and safety of employees working from home.


The desk is also a central element in the home office. It must therefore meet a number of requirements in order to be able to work comfortably from home. The basic requirements for most employees include space for a laptop, screen, keyboard and mouse as well as a table lamp. A sufficiently deep desk allows a comfortable distance to the screen. We recommend a depth of 80 centimetres to allow space for armrests and other work materials in addition to the required devices.

To protect your health, you should regularly alternate between sitting and standing positions. This relieves strain on the back and prevents tension. Height-adjustable desks can be quickly adjusted in height.

Alternatively, there are various desk attachments that also allow you to work in a standing position. Care should be taken to ensure stability and a certain weight so that they can withstand the strain of office work.

Office chair

Anyone who wants to focus on their work for several hours will appreciate an ergonomic office chair. A high-quality office chair:

Lighting in the work area

To make use of natural lighting from daylight, a workstation by the window is suitable. A 90° angle between the desk and the window (i.e. a lateral position of the desk to the window) is ideal. This prevents excessive glare on either the face or the screen.

If the work area is not (temporarily) supplied with sufficient daylight, lighting plays an even more important role. A table lamp ensures optimum lighting conditions at the desk. The light points downwards and not directly at the screen or face. Indirect, dimmable room lighting creates sufficient ambient lighting in the room, which is pleasant for the eyes and general well-being.

Storage space at the workplace

Order or creative chaos - there are very different views on this. Nevertheless, every workplace should have a place to store important documents. Mobile pedestals offer additional storage space underneath the desk in an unobtrusive and space-saving way, while filing shelves create plenty of space for important files.

Technical equipment

The equipment available to employees is essential for productivity. With the right technology, the employer ensures that all tasks can be completed (effectively) and that all employees always work with the same level of technology.

In our experience, the essential devices for the home office setup are:

In order to work flexibly from the office or home office, it is advisable to use a company laptop that can be easily transported. In many companies, employees already work with a laptop. Where this is not yet the case, a change is recommended. This ensures that employees have all the necessary programs at their disposal at all times and that data does not have to be synchronized between several devices afterwards.

In addition, a company laptop is also recommended from a data protection perspective in order to ensure simple separation of private and professional data.

Different technical equipment is required depending on the task area. For IT and graphics departments in particular, it is important to always provide state-of-the-art equipment in order to carry out all tasks efficiently.

In addition to a laptop, an external monitor is a sensible investment. This can increase productivity enormously, as the eyes are not strained as much and attention can be maintained for longer. An external keyboard and mouse also contribute to productivity and promote ergonomics in the workplace.

A headset is a sensible purchase for employees whose regular tasks include making phone calls. Headsets with active noise canceling are also helpful for employees who have problems with street noise at their home office or where other people are regularly present in the household.

Ways to procure office equipment

Employees can be equipped to work from home in different ways, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

What advantages do the individual procurement methods offer?

1. Use of own devices

Most employees also use a computer at home and have an internet connection. Mistakenly, this means that many companies have everything they need to work from home. This is not the case, as an adequate workstation is usually not available. In addition, private devices are rarely powerful technology and usually do not have professional software installed. Last but not least, storing business data on private devices poses a data protection and security risk.

Info: Unless otherwise agreed, the employer must generally bear the costs of the necessary work equipment. If employees procure the relevant work equipment themselves, they are entitled to reimbursement from the employer.

2.Purchase of office equipment by the company

By purchasing the required office furniture and other work equipment from the company itself, the problems mentioned above can be avoided. However, the purchase is associated with high acquisition costs. If employees leave the company, the company ties up required capital in unused assets. This can lead to or exacerbate liquidity problems, especially in times of crisis.

If the home office is only a temporary measure, the investment risk increases with the purchase.

3. Rental of home office equipment by the company

Alternatively, you can rent everything you need to work productively from home. In this way, every employee can be flexibly equipped for the duration of the home office. The rental period is freely configurable. If the assets are no longer needed, they can be easily returned.

The equipment for additional employees is installed within a short period of time. High acquisition costs can be avoided in favor of low monthly rents, which keeps the cash outflow low.

With onyo as a professional partner for office equipment, companies benefit from a wide range of high-quality and professional products via our platform, which automates all workflows.

Useful tips for a productive working environment when working from home

In addition to the question of the necessary office equipment for the home office, it is also about choosing the right working environment. After all, you can only be productive if you feel comfortable at your workplace.


Noise is considered a major disruptive factor for the ability to concentrate. Therefore, look for a quiet place in your home where you can work undisturbed for longer periods of time. Passage rooms or rooms facing the street are less ideal for a workplace.


Daylight has been proven to promote health and well-being. If possible, choose a room for your home office with as much daylight as possible during working hours. If this is not possible, the workplace should be illuminated with floor and table lamps. Daylight lamps, which have been proven to have a positive effect on the mood, are ideal.

Fresh Air

If you work several hours a day, you need oxygen. Make sure you have a window at your workplace to let fresh air in regularly.

Air-purifying plants also help to create a pleasant climate that increases the feel-good factor and strengthens the immune system.

Tips for productive working from home

Working from home is different from working in the office. Setting clear rules for yourself helps you to be productive when working from home. The following tips will help.

  1. Fixed working hours: If possible, start and end your working day at your usual times. It makes it easier to work with colleagues if all team members are available at the same times.
  2. Schedule breaks: It's not just the law that stipulates break times for employees. Time off is important to clear your head and recharge your batteries for upcoming tasks. Sufficient exercise and fresh air provide additional energy.
  3. Separate professional and private tasks: Separating private and professional activities in terms of time and space helps to complete tasks in a more focused and time-efficient manner.
  4. Maintain meetings: Regular appointments should also take place in the home office. A constant exchange with colleagues strengthens the sense of togetherness and makes it easier to work together on a project.
  5. Set rules for video conferences: Stick to clear conversation rules to minimize the hurdles of video calls. For example, all participants listening turn off their microphone. A limited number of participants can help to avoid confusion. A prepared agenda serves as a guide for the meeting. At the same time, as with face-to-face meetings, the shorter the meeting, the more efficient it is. A good video conference can also be held in 10-15 minutes.
  6. Choose appropriate clothing: To get into work mode, it helps to choose the appropriate clothing.
  7. Avoid distractions: Put distractions such as cell phones to one side if possible and set aside fixed blocks of time in which you can concentrate on your work.
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